Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My new home

 Okay, the picture I put up last time was of a group of male impalas. They are called locally "the losers club" because the failed to mate this season and so have to hang out with other losers.

Entrance to the Chapel just past the front door
I have arrived in Nairobi to very cold (by African standards) weather. It is still the dry season so rain is scarce and the ground is cracked. There is not the amount of dust present as in Uganda, thankfully. By cold I mean in the 60's for highs during the day.  I guess I have acclimated since I have two blankets on my bed.  I have jumped into my new position as Master of Students very quickly and am busy learning the ins and outs of running a house of 20+ people.  So far so good. I am including some pictures of my new friary, St. Anthony.
Front Door
                                                                          Chapel looking to the left and right

Chapel Center

Recreation Room



  1. Thanks for posting the photos. Looks like a pleasant place. Be well.

  2. So glad you have arrived safely back in Nairbori. We are in our 14th straight day of well over 100 defees, tomorrow should be 103. Can we send you some

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
