Sunday, February 7, 2016

One Stop Shopping

Hello everyone.  It is now the dry season here in Uganda and everyone is waiting for the rains to come sometime  in February.  It is getting warmer by the day.  I have been teaching Bachelor students in a counseling program that is called St. Francis Counsellor Institute. No I did not misspell counselor. This is the British spelling. The founder of the program is from Ireland so...
Anyway, to get to work I have to travel across town by boda boda, which is a motorcycle for hire. For 3000 Uganda shillings I travel one way (about 1 dollar).  Every day I pass a coffin shop/workshop (like the one above), right on the side of the road. One day I got a ride from the caretaker at the Institute ad I commented that I thought it was odd to make and sell coffins on the side of the road.  He paused for a minute and said, "Well, the hospital is right there." His daughter who was sitting in the back laughed all the way through town. I guess that is an example of one stop shopping to the extreme. Next Wednesday begins Lent.  I will have more information about my work at the Institute. Peace to all.  ODE


  1. If this works for a hospital....
    Happy all is going well.

  2. Praying you have the happiest of Valentine Day's.. God Bless you Tim♥️♥️♥️
